Do-Anywhere End of Summer HIIT Workout (+ A HIIT Workout Challenge!)

Do-Anywhere End of Summer HIIT Workout

I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been taking full advantage of working out outdoors the weather is still nice and the days still long.

There’s really just something extra awesome about getting your sweat on while also getting some fresh air and vitamin D.

That’s why I’ve put together this super quick but effective workout you can do anywhere outdoors, whether it’s at the beach, a nearby park, or your own backyard.

You don’t need any fancy equipment for this workout—just find a sturdy bench, step, or box and you’ll be good to go.

We also have a new mini workout challenge for you guys—read on below for all the challenge details!

In partnership with Old Navy, here’s a workout you can do anywhere this summer:

Workout Instructions

For this workout, you’ll need an interval timer and a sturdy surface. Set your timer to 18 rounds of :10 and :30 intervals. Rest on the :10 ones, then work as hard as you possibly can on the :30 ones.

You’ll end up rotating through the following exercises three times:

1. High knees
2. Squat step ups
3. Push up in & outs
4. Jump lunges
5. Burpee step overs
6. Candlestick leg lifts

Hold nothing back!!!

Exercise Descriptions

High knees

Do-Anywhere End of Summer HIIT Workout
Outfit: Black cami sports bra & compression crops

How to do it: Stand in place with your feet hip-width apart. Drive your right knee toward your chest and quickly lower to the ground. Follow with your left knee. Continue alternating knees, working as fast as humanly possible.

Squat Step Ups

Do-Anywhere End of Summer HIIT Workout

Do-Anywhere End of Summer HIIT Workout
Outfit: Pink cami sports bra & compression crops

How to do it: Stand in front of a plyo box, bench, or elevated surface. Step up onto the surface with one leg, following with the other leg.

Step back down, then immediately squat down.

Repeat starting with the other leg.

Push Up In & Outs

Do-Anywhere End of Summer HIIT Workout
Outfit: Striped cami sports bra & running shorts

How to do it: Get into a push up position with your shoulders directly over your hands and your arms close to your sides. Lower down and do a push up, focusing on keeping your arms as close to your sides as you can.

Push up explosively and land your hands in a wide push up position, then immediately lower down and do a wide push up.

Push up explosively and return to the starting position.

Jump Lunges

Do-Anywhere End of Summer HIIT Workout

Do-Anywhere End of Summer HIIT Workout
Outfit: Black cami sports bra & compression crops

How to do it: Start in a lunge position with your knees touching or almost touching the floor. Jump up explosively and switch legs so that your rear leg is in the front and front leg is in the rear.

Repeat as fast as you can.

Burpee Step Overs

Do-Anywhere End of Summer HIIT Workout

Do-Anywhere End of Summer HIIT Workout
Outfit: Pink cami sports bra & compression crops

How to do it: Stand to the side of a box or elevated surface such as a bench.

Do a burpee, then step onto the box with one leg, then bring the other leg up so that you’re standing on top of the box.

Step down with one leg, then bring the other leg down to the ground and immediately do another burpee.

Continue going the other direction, speeding up so you go as fast as you can.

Candlestick Leg Lifts

Do-Anywhere End of Summer HIIT Workout
Outfit: Striped cami sports bra & running shorts

How to do it: Lie on your back with your legs straight. Place each hand palm down slightly wider than shoulder width apart or under each glute. Keeping your core tight, lift your legs off of the floor while keeping your knees as straight as possible and your toes pointed.

Just before your legs reach vertical extend your torso to lift your lower back off the floor into a candlestick position.

Lower back down with control and repeat.

End of Summer HIIT Challenge

Even though summer is winding down, that doesn’t mean it’s time to go into hibernation mode be less active. As athletes, we know the importance of staying fit and active year round to maintain our health, fitness level, and keep up all our superhero skill training (appearance is just an added bonus!).

So that’s why we thought it would be fun to do this little end of summer HIIT challenge to keep you working hard and getting sweaty through fall.

Here’s what you’re going to do:

  • Complete 3+ HIIT workouts a week through the end of August. You can do the workout above, or find one from the 12 Minute Athlete workouts page, the app, or whatever workout you want to do.
  • Post your sweaty post-workout photos (or the workout you did) on social media and make sure to tag us at #12minuteathlete. Our Facebook group is a great place to get support, or we’re also super active on Twitter and Instagram as well.
  • Work hard and have fun!

You’ve got this!

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2 thoughts on “Do-Anywhere End of Summer HIIT Workout (+ A HIIT Workout Challenge!)”

  1. Good HIIT workout with minimal equipment!

    If anybody needs to adjust this for their level of conditioning, they can do it with a Tabata style of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, and repeated for 8 sets. It’ll make it a little more manageable if you are just starting out!


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