The Spring Vacation AMRAP Challenge Workout (+ Video!)


I tell you to get rid of your excuses not to work out a lot.

So that’s why I wanted show you that I really do follow my own advice and work out even when I’m on vacation or away from home and film a workout for you while on vacation—so next time you go on vacation you can follow my lead. I’m going to try and film more of these workouts when I travel in the future so you can see just how I stay in shape while on the road (and how you can too).

Today’s workout was filmed at my Airbnb in Palm Springs, CA where I was for a spring vacation at the Coachella Music Festival this past weekend. It was especially tough for me because the air there is so much drier than I’m used to, plus it was at least 90 degrees out—but as you’ll see in the video, I still worked hard and got a good workout.

Because even if all you have is a tiny hotel room, your parents’ basement or an outdoor park, you really have no excuse not to work out. Throw a jump rope in your suitcase, do some push ups, handstands and jumping, and you’ll still get a kick-ass workout as long as you work hard and give it your all.

Here’s your spring vacation AMRAP challenge workout:

And the workout instructions:

Workout equipment:


Workout type: Challenge

Timer setting: Stopwatch

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:

30 Double unders
25 Air squats
20 Tuck jumps
10 Handstand push ups
30 Plank jumps (front to back)


Leave your time in the comments below.

My time for today’s workout: 4 rounds + 20 tuck jumps

Did you do this workout?

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8 thoughts on “The Spring Vacation AMRAP Challenge Workout (+ Video!)”

  1. Hey there, just thought I’d let you know you’ve accidentally put double unders as handstand pushups! I would never get past the first step! haha.

  2. Your’re amazing. I’m going on vacation in two weeks and I’ll be luck if I get in a hand full of push ups and some crunches! Thanks for the inspiration!


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