495 Rep Fast and Furious Challenge Workout


Workout equipment:

Workout type: Challenge

Timer setting: Stopwatch

Complete 3 rounds:

5 Burpee pull ups
20 Walking lunges
10 Triceps dips
20 Snowboarder jumps
100 High knees
10 Hanging leg raises

Bonus: 5 Bridges + 100 Mountain climbers


Leave your time in the comments below.

My time for today’s workout: 11:58

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3 thoughts on “495 Rep Fast and Furious Challenge Workout”

  1. 10:38 – I modified with bent knees during leg raises and includes bonus (which I loved!)

    snow boarder jumps were a new one for me and so fun!

  2. Hi Krista, Just did this one as my very 1st 12 minute Athlete workout. Much tougher than expected & I was only able to do 2 rounds in 22:58 with the cold & clammy about to pass out or throw up feeling a few times… You did 3 in half that time. I’ve got a long way to go but am determined to get myself fit again as I’m 55 & about 10kg overweight & have let myself go as far as regular exercise goes. I can only improve.. .

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