Thrill Seeker Kettlebell HIIT Workout


Workout equipment:

Workout type: 12 minute

Interval setting: 18 x :10 x :30

1. Kettlebell swings
2. Walking lunges (optional: w/ sandbag)
3. Kettlebell high pull
4. Dive bomber push ups
5. High knees
6. V ups

Bonus: + 10 Turkish get ups (or 4 if heavy)


Leave your reps in the comments below.

No kettlebell on hand? Substitute with a dumbbell, or even just a heavy object. Then, WORK IT.

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8 thoughts on “Thrill Seeker Kettlebell HIIT Workout”

  1. My reps:

    Kettlebell swings: 15, 14, 14
    Walking lunges: 20, 19, 19
    Kettlebell high pull: 19, 18, 18
    Dive bomber push ups: 6, 7, 7
    High knees: 103, 101, 96
    V ups: 15, 16, 14

  2. Subbed in high knee with jumprope for kettlebell swings and air squats for kettlebell high pulls and was still pretty killer! Thanks Krista!

  3. Just discovered your site a few days ago. I’ve been messing around with kettlebells for a few months and have a sincere fondness for them. Did this workout this afternoon and it kicked my butt! After the last round I laid on the ground panting like a pansy. I also hate spending hours at the gym, so these 12 minute HIIT workouts are exactly what I’ve been looking for for SO SO LONG. Gonna go pick up the app too! Thanks!

  4. just stopping by
    19X3, 13X3, 15X3 12X3, (36,25,25), and (12,11,9 using cieling bug smashes instead of V-ups)
    thanks for giving something simple to play with


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