Why You’re Not Getting Results

There’s no question about it: most people just aren’t motivated to exercise. I’ll even go as far as to say that most people hate to exercise.

In fact, if there really was a magic pill that would instantly make you lose weight, get stronger and get in incredible shape with no effort at all, the majority of people would take it, and be ecstatic at the thought of never having to exercise again (I hope this isn’t you).

That’s why people buy things like the Shake Weight, the Thigh Master, and the ‘Ace Power,’ a horseback riding-inspired tool (yes, this really exists)—because they’re marketed as an effortless way to exercise. But they’re effortless because they don’t actually work.

And I’m going to tell you a secret, one I’ve learned by personal experience over my years as an athlete, personal trainer, student and fitness blogger: there is no real shortcut to getting results.

If you want results, you have to work for them.

Work hard, get results

Yes, you can get in shape in just 12, or 16, or 20 minutes a day. But if you’re half-assing your workouts, doing them inconsistently, or never quite pushing yourself past your personal limits, you can expect half-ass results.

You will never be able to do a pull up (or increase your pull ups) unless you work for it.

You will never be able to do 100 burpees (or decrease your time) unless you keep trying.

You will never perfect your push ups, learn to do a handstand, or do a pistol unless you push yourself harder than you ever thought possible during your workouts.

Because I hate to break it to you, but there’s no getting around hard work.

Interval training workouts can get you in better shape than you ever imagined, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because they don’t take much time, they’re going to be easy.

In fact, I’d say that HIIT-style workouts are actually harder than traditional, non-interval style training.

Why? Because when you go to the gym and do a “normal” workout, you’re probably going to go straight to a cardio machine and run/cycle/row at the same pace for a certain amount of time, during which will probably be incredibly boring, but since you’ll be able to watch a TV show or a sports game and zone out, you won’t really mind it.

Or, if you’re on the weight floor, those 8-10 reps will be tough, sure, but then you’ll get to rest, maybe even chatting with the other gym-goers around you, making new friends during your workout. In fact, when I worked in a gym as a personal trainer, I’d say that most people spent at least 50-75% of their time just sitting around (yes, as with everything else, there are exceptions to this).

And I don’t know about you, but I don’t find sitting and talking that difficult.

No rest for the motivated

HIIT workouts, on the other hand, barely let you rest at all. In fact, you’re lucky if you’re able to catch your breath for even a second before being forced to move onto the next exercise.

If you’re doing them right, you should be panting, dripping sweat, your muscles shaking, and possibly even feeling like you want to curl up in a ball or maybe throw up by the end of your workout.

That’s how hard you should be working during your workouts.

That’s what will get you results.

No half-assing it. No wimpy “I can’t do this” thoughts. No skipping a week during workouts. No excuses.

Not willing to work that hard? No problem. But don’t go complaining to others that you’re not getting results.

Because I can only get you so far. I can give you workouts, get you motivated, even give you ideas of how to fit the workouts in your schedule.

But I can’t force you to work out. I can’t force you to work as hard as humanly possible. That’s completely up to you.

Hard work + consistency = results.

There’s no way around it.


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