Happy (Late) World Pull Up Day (And the New Pull Up Mastery Program!)


This past Sunday was World Pull Up Day, the official celebration day of one of the best bodyweight exercises ever.

If you’re on Instagram, you probably saw a lot of pull ups, different styles, progressions and whatnot from fitness and pull up lovers around the world.

And if you don’t already follow me there, here’s the pull up video I posted for the day:

It was a pretty fun day for pull up lovers of all fitness levels.

But… what if you can’t already do a pull up?

You’ll get there. Really.

How to do your very first pull up

One of the most common emails I get from readers is that they love the workouts, but there are just so many pull ups. And not only that, they usually add, they’ve never, ever been able to do a pull up before—and unless they turn into a superhero someday, they never will.

Trust me, I’ve been there.

For most of my life, I had absolutely zero upper body strength whatsoever, and was so weak that my older brother liked to call me “spaghetti arms” because my arms were just that weak and noodley looking.

At the time, I truly believed that my body type (and let’s face it, the fact that I’m female) actually made it impossible for me to ever even consider doing exercises like pull ups. And it wasn’t until a couple of years ago, in fact, that I finally got over that mental hurdle that had convinced me I’d never be able to do pull ups and actually started working at them.

Let me tell you, that first pull up was pretty damn awesome.

Master pull ups once and for all

My own experience and your guys’ interest in being able to do your very first pull up is why I decided it was time to create a program specifically designed to help you—no matter what your current fitness level—get your very first pull up.

It’ll also help those of you who maybe have been able to do one or two pull ups for ages now—yet can’t seem to get past that frustrating plateau.

I’m pretty excited about this program, and plan on doing a bunch of skill-based programs like this for tough exercises like pull ups and pistols to help those of you who want to take your HIIT training and strength to the next level do so.

Check out the Pull Up Mastery page for the full details of the program, but basically, the program includes:

    • Pull Up Mastery ebook: The full color, beautifully designed (yep, we’re a little biased about it) Mastering the Pull Up: Release Your Inner Badass and Conquer the Ultimate Bodyweight Exercise ebook

Pull Up Mastery

  • A 10-week strength building program An entire 10-week pull up program to follow step-by-step to get you busting out pull ups in no time
  • Videos: Progression videos you can stream or download to your device
  • Multiple levels: Beginner and intermediate options for your specific level of experience
  • Getting Started Guide: The Pull Up Mastery Getting Started Guide so you’ll know exactly what steps to take to start
  • Flexibility & Mobility Guide: Use this along with the program to help keep you healthy and strong throughout your pull up journey
  • Printable program: Print your program and make notes to your heart’s content
  • Support: Email support and check-ins along your journey

Learn more about Pull Up Mastery here.

You can get the ebook version (just a book, no videos or extra stuff, but still really cool) on that same page, and the book will also be available on Amazon and iBooks in the next day or two.

If you do decide to get the book on Amazon, please, please leave a review! My goal is to get as many people busting out pull ups as possible, and getting reviews (i.e. more people knowing the book exists) is the best way to do that.

Regardless of whether Pull Up Mastery is right for you, thank you guys as always for all of your support. You absolutely rock!

– Krista

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5 thoughts on “Happy (Late) World Pull Up Day (And the New Pull Up Mastery Program!)”

  1. Hi Krista

    Just wondering if you might put some of these intro to pull-up exercises on the app? Also some of the burpee variations? I don’t like to think too much out of work so I love blindly following the app!


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