Friday Challenge Workout


Workout equipment:

Workout type: Challenge + tabata

Time: ? + 4 minutes

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Why You Should Get Outside Every Day

It’s no secret that people are spending more and more time these days indoors.

Just think about your daily routine. How much of it do you spend at your desk… in your car… on the couch?

Probably a lot, if you’re like most people.

But is all this time spent inside actually good for us?

Here’s what getting outdoors can do for you:

It improves your mood.

If you’ve ever been in a terrible mood and decided to go for a walk instead of wallow in your sadness or anger, you probably remember how your misery let up a little after even just five to ten minutes outdoors.

This happens to me with such consistency that I almost always can tell if I’m getting a little crabby, I’ve been inside too long.

It may sound like pure coincidence, but it really helps.

According to a Harvard study (and many others like it), one of the reasons getting outside can have such a positive effect on your state of mind is that light tends to elevate people’s mood, and there’s usually more light available outside than in—even on the darkest of winter days.

What’s more, physical activity has been shown to help people relax and cheer up, so if being outside gets you exercising (even if it’s just a walk), then your mood will lift as a result.

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Wednesday Workout


Workout equipment:

Workout type: 12 minute

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It's Not Easy… But You Can't Give Up

There’s something you need to understand, especially if you’re new to the 12 Minute Athlete, new to interval training, or even new to working out at all.

And that something is this: these workouts aren’t easy.

In fact, they’re really, really hard.

And they’re supposed to be hard.

As someone who may have never done a handstand before, never done a strict pull up, maybe even never done a full push up, you may look at the 12 Minute Athlete workouts and think: I can’t do that.

Let me tell you a secret: I would have said the same thing even just a few years ago.

Back then, my workouts consisted of a three mile run; nothing else. I hated them. Plus, I couldn’t do a pull up (or a push up) to save my life.

And now… well, now, I feel pretty good about my fitness level. Sure, I always want to get stronger, faster, and fitter.

But really, who doesn’t?

You can do these workouts

It doesn’t matter what your current fitness level is. You can do the 12 Minute Athlete workouts.

Yes, they’re tough. But the great thing about them is that they’ll always be tough. That means you’ll never hit a plateau or get bored and stop making progress like traditional workouts.

Because the key to these workouts is that you work as hard as you possibly can.

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Monday Workout


Workout equipment:

Workout type: 12 minute + bonus

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Friday Challenge Workout

  Workout equipment: Workout type: Challenge Time: ? Complete 21, 15, 9 reps of the following as fast as possible: or Bonus: 50 —————————————————— I love challenge workouts! The faster you do them, the faster you get the day’s workout over with. So don’t be a snail. Did you do this workout?

Wednesday Workout


Workout equipment:

Workout type: 16 minute

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Why You Hate Exercise—And How You Can Change That

For many people (and you might count yourself as one of them), exercise is a chore.

But here’s the truth: it doesn’t have to be.

I used to feel the same way. I’d go to the gym, waste an hour or so on the treadmill or elliptical machine… use a resistance machine or two… maybe do a few crunches.

Not only did it make me gloomy, my body never transformed the way I wanted it to.

But once I found something I loved, it completely transformed my idea of exercise.

Because here’s the thing…

Exercise doesn’t have to be torture

In fact, for many people (and I now include myself as one of them, after years of dreading it), exercise is a release. It makes people happy. It changes their lives and bodies for the better.

The key is to find something you enjoy.

Everybody can like some form of exercise. Our bodies were made to move. We were not designed to be couch potatoes.

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Monday Workout

  Workout equipment: Workout type: 12 minute Set your timer for 18 rounds of 10 and 30 second intervals. Complete three rounds of the following in the 30 second work intervals: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. —————————————————— Don’t forget to write down your reps from today’s workout! That way, when we do this workout …

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Friday Challenge Workout


Workout equipment:

Workout type: Challenge

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